Young street

You are 18-24 years of age and you want to visit the most exciting and fun city!! You have chosen the right destination, ATHENS!!. Also known as the"Capital City Of Fun".
Choosing this package enables you to enjoy and and spend a fun filled inexpensive unforgettable day!! Let's see what you will be doing....

Young Street Package:
Your day starts after breakfast at 11am.We meet up with Cleopatra who will be our guide. We do a 3 hour tour of the most iconic Graffiti art and murals in Athens. An unforgettable experience full of color and designs. At the same time you will visit parts of the "hidden" nooks and crannies that only Athenians know about!!!

After 3 hours of walking about in this beautiful city, we have reserved your table for lunch. The rest of the afternoon is yours to do as you please. In the evening be ready to find out what fun is all about in Greece!!!
Fun in Greece is all about music, bouzoukia and Opa!!!
You will be introduced to the most popular music scene of Greece and some of the most important artists! It will be an unforgettable evening!!!!

All this at a cost of 156€

Young street




A walk through the graffiti of Athens

An alternative tour that ypu can meet Athens through amazing and breathless Graffiti !

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local street food

Everyday taste of Greek kitchen and meat! If you adore meet or Greek classic kitchen and you want to combine joy taste and price then you have one choice!

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Night Life :Bouzoukia , Clubbing,Latin ,Disco

Either you want to hear greek music or you love ,rock ,disco ,latin ...No matter what you prefer to hear you can always choose what you want and how you are going to spend your night in Greece!

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